Showing posts with label Fair Lending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fair Lending. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Advertising Compliance: Getting Ready for the Banking Examination - Part Two - Risk Assessments

Jonathan Foxx
President & Managing Director
Brokers Compliance Group

In Part One of this two-part series, I noted that “the regulator will determine whether advertisements and promotional materials provide timely, clear, and understandable information about the existence of costs, payment terms, penalties, or other terms and charges, the reasons for their imposition, and the salesperson’s compensation from cross-sales.”[i]

Just as an examiner will review the advertising materials using various metrics and means, so also should the mortgage loan originator use three tools to ensure compliance with advertising rules.

The tools are:
  • Advertising Manual, with a host of supporting forms;
  • Record Retention, containing all advertisements and reviews thereof; and
  • Forms and Checklists, constituting all loan products and origination methods.
In this article, we are going to explore these three tools. While the considerations do not encompass all the requirements and conditions relating to each tool, I hope to provide a general understanding of how these should be designed and, most importantly, how they must be interfaced with one another.


At the outset, let me clarify the importance of distinguishing advertising policy and procedure from an advertising manual. While the former often does not contain the latter, the latter most certainly contains the former. That is to say, a policy and procedure may or may not be actively given to employees; however, a manual is always given to them. The advertising policy may set forth rules and philosophy, but the manual is the actual implementation guidelines that an employee consults to find decisive standards.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Social Media and Networking

When you think of advertising, do you include social media? These days, most of you do!

However, social media compliance - which I shall call "SMC" - is a considerable undertaking, far more involved than just issuing a policy and procedure. Often, implementing SMC includes working with internet technology and information security professionals, collaborating with sales, compliance, legal, marketing, and human resources personnel, and ensuring that virtually all employees understand their own obligations with respect to using internet communications.

We have drafted SMC policy statements that call for constant vigilance by management and appointed staff to monitor for and find the appropriate remedies to transgressions relating to use of a company's name, logo, products, and services, in casual and even formal social media interactions.

Recently, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issued a request for comments, entitled Social Media: Consumer Compliance Risk Management Guidance ("Notice"). FFIEC issued this notice on behalf of its six members, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC); the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board); the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA); the CFPB (collectively, the "Agencies"); and the State Liaison Committee (SLC). Succinctly put, whatever the federal agencies eventually adopt, the states will issue the final guidance as a supervisory guidance not only to the institutions that are, by extension, under its supervision but also through the State Liaison Committee, thereby encouraging state regulators to adopt the guidance.

This means that institutions will be expected to use the forthcoming guidance in their efforts to ensure that their policies and procedures provide oversight and controls commensurate with the risks posed by their social media activities. State agencies that adopt the guidance will expect the entities that they regulate to use the guidance in their efforts to ensure that their risk management and consumer protection practices adequately address the compliance and reputation risks raised by activities conducted via social media.

In this article, I will consider certain features of FFIEC's social media Notice as well as some important subjects to be addressed in constructing an SMC policy and procedure.*


Defining Social Media
Use of Social Media
Risks of Social Media
Risk Management
Risk Areas
Laws and Regulations
Major Risks
Policy and Procedures

Defining Social Media

Social media has been defined in a number of ways. For purposes of the proposed guidance, the Agencies consider social media to be a form of interactive online communication in which users can generate and share content through text, images, audio, and/or video. 

Social media can take many forms, including, but not limited to, micro-blogging sites (i.e., Facebook, Google Plus, MySpace, and Twitter); forums, blogs, customer review Websites and bulletin boards (i.e., Yelp); photo and video sites (i.e., Flickr and YouTube); sites that enable professional networking (i.e., LinkedIn); virtual worlds (i.e., Second Life); and social games (i.e., FarmVille and CityVille).

A simple test to distinguish social media from other online media is that the social media communication tends to be more interactive.


Use of Social Media

Financial institutions use social media in a variety of ways, including marketing, providing incentives, facilitating applications for new accounts, inviting feedback from the public, and engaging with existing and potential customers.

For instance, social media has been used to receive and respond to complaints. They have been used to provide loan pricing. Since this form of customer interaction tends to be informal and occurs in a less secure environment, it presents some unique challenges to financial institutions.

To manage potential risks to financial institutions and consumers, however, financial institutions should ensure their risk management programs provide oversight and controls commensurate with the risks presented by the types of social media in which the financial institution is engaged.


Risks of Social Media

The use of social media by a financial institution to attract and interact with customers can impact a financial institution’s risk profile. 

The increased risks can include the risk of harm to consumers, compliance and legal risk, operational risk, and reputation risk. 

Increased risk can arise from a variety of directions, including poor due diligence, oversight, or control on the part of the financial institution. Obviously, procedures must be implemented that help financial institutions to identify potential risk areas and appropriately address as well as ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities to oversee and control these risks within their overall risk management program.

Therefore, financial institutions should address the applicability of existing federal consumer protection and compliance laws, regulations, and policies to activities conducted via social media by banks, savings associations, and credit unions, as well as by nonbank entities supervised by the CFPB.


Risk Management

A financial institution should have a risk management program that allows it to identify, measure, monitor, and control the risks related to social media. The size and complexity of the risk management program should be commensurate with the breadth of the financial institution’s involvement in this medium. 

FFIEC gives this rule of thumb: a financial institution that relies heavily on social media to attract and acquire new customers should have a more detailed program than one using social media only to a very limited extent. 

The risk management program should be designed with participation from specialists in compliance, technology, information security, legal, human resources, and marketing. FFIEC makes it clear that a financial institution that has chosen not to use social media should still be prepared to address the potential for negative comments or complaints that may arise within the many social media platforms and provide guidance for employee use of social media.