Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Alan J. Cicchetti appointed to Director Positions

I am pleased to announce that Alan J. Cicchetti has joined Lenders Compliance Group. Alan is the former Deputy Commissioner of the Connecticut Banking Department.

He joins us as our Director of Agency Relations as well as the Executive Director of Brokers Compliance Group, our new mortgage compliance firm that provides compliance support to mortgage brokers. 

As Director of Agency Relations, Alan will focus on assisting clients that need guidance with respect to the expectations of government agencies. In addition to his responsibilities as Director of Agency Relations, he will also be involved in engagements that require, among other things, his expertise in SAFE and NMLS requirements.

In his role as Executive Director of Brokers Compliance Group, Alan will manage the growth of this new mortgage compliance firm devoted exclusively to mortgage brokers.

In Alan Cicchetti, Brokers Compliance Group has a competent, innovative, and highly experienced professional at its helm, an individual who understands the unique compliance needs of mortgage brokers.

I'd like to tell you about Alan. In my view, he offers our clients considerable expertise and experience, both as a former regulator as well as a skilled executive at banks and non-banks.

From 1999 until 2011, Alan was the Deputy Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Banking. During that time, he also served as Acting Director of the Consumer Credit Division. In that role, his responsibilities included regulation, examination, licensing and enforcement activities relating to non-depository licensees, including mortgage brokers, lenders, originators, check cashers, money transmitters, debt adjusters and negotiators, consumer collection agencies and others.

He also created and introduced proposed legislative changes, including the Connecticut SAFE Act, for approval by the Commissioner and submission to the legislature for passage and enactment. He was the Co-Chair of the Regulations and Policy Committee of Connecticut's Subprime Lending Task Force, established by Governor M. Jody Rell.

Alan's background in the industry is hands-on and practical. He has held administrative positions in large bank and non-bank companies. He was an Executive Assistant in the Office of the Treasurer, where, among his numerous responsibilities, he represented the Treasurer on the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority and served as Chairman of the Mortgage Committee.

It is worth noting that Alan is active in important mortgage industry associations, and he has been a faculty member at the University of Hartford, Barney School of Business. He holds a BS from Bryant University and an MBA from the University of Connecticut.

I know that Alan will bring new insights, knowledge, and experience in connection with our mission to provide reliable mortgage compliance guidance to our clients.

Best wishes,
Jonathan Foxx
President & Managing Director